Gurbani means the speech of wisdom, and kirtan means adoration. Songs selected for Gurbani kirtan primarily come from the central text of Sikh and list the qualities of the divine. Sikhs believe that Sikh gurus compose Gurbani after entering an enlightened state. By participating in the Gurbani kirtan, members of the Sikh religion hope to gain insight into the divine so that they may also become enlightened.
The Gurbani has a simple message: there is One, All-pervading Reality. Our mind is That (Joti-Svaroopa...). The purpose of human life is to understand this Truth through Shabad-Vichaar (Reflections on the Gurbani), and thus become liberated from doubts (Bharam), Maya, duality, etc., and Realize one's Mool (Source, Joti...), within, here and now.
Langar is the term used in the Sikh religion for the common kitchen/canteen where food is served in a Gurdwara to all the visitors, without distinction of faith, religion or background.
Gurdwara Sahib gives the opportunity to kids and adults from any backgroud to come and learn Punjabi as well as gurbani and kirtan. Our Gyani ji also offers teachings privately to new students. He is very flexible with timings and loves to teach growing minds about this beautiful way of life.