Ek Onkaar - There is only one God
Sat Naam - God's Name is eternal truth
Karta Purakh - God is the Creator who is pervading in everything
Nirbhao - God is without fear and is all bliss
Nirvair - God is without hate or enmity
Akal Murat - God is beyond time, space, form and features
Ajuni Saibhan - God is beyond birth & death and is self-manifested and self-existent
Gur Parsad - Oneness with the One Truth is realized with the Grace of the True Guru
Sukhmani : Peace of Mind, the Nectar of the Name of God The minds of the devotees abide in a joyful peace.
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Nitname
-Tea Break-
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM - Sukhmani Sahib
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM - Kirtan by Sangat Members
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM - Kirtan & Katha By Gyani Jatinder Singhji